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李海港,男,博士,教授,博士研究生导师,在内蒙古农业大学资源与环境学院任教,本人一直从事植物根际过程互作和养分管理方面的研究。获内蒙古自治区科学进步二等奖、获第十批“草原英才”称号、第十二批“草原英才”工程青年领军人才称号以及自治区新时代专业技术人才(二层次)。主持国家重点研发项目课题2项,国家自然科学基金3项,内蒙古自然科学基金重大项目1项,草原英才支持计划2项,内蒙古科技计划1项,自治区引进人才支持计划1项等。在National Science Review等国际期刊上发表SCI论文80余篇;参编学术专著3部,获批专利2项。并担任“三区人才”、“科技特派员”和三部委科技小院首席专家,长期服务于农牧生产一线。


2024.09-至今 内蒙古农业大学 资源与环境学院 教授

2018.09-2024.08 内蒙古农业大学 草原与资源环境学院 教授

2011.12-2018.08 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 副教授

2010.09-2011.11 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 讲师

2008.06-2010.08 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 博士后

2005.09-2008.08 法国INRA/UMR Eco&Sols生态学 博士

2002.09-2008.06 中国农业大学 植物营养学 农学博士

1998.09-2002.06 山东农业大学 农业资源与环境 本科 农学学士




1. 土壤氮磷养分调控荒漠草原豆科植物生存与生长的机制,国家自然科学基金,2024.01-2027.12,33万;

2. 提升玉米-微生物-土壤体系耐盐碱能力的耦合过程机制,国家自然科学基金区域联合基金课题,2024.01-2027.12,35万;

3. 风沙与引黄灌区中低产田种养结合地力提升技术研究与示范,国家重点研发计划课题,2023.12-2026.12,280万;

4. 人工牧草驱动的典型“土壤-作物-动物”系统耦合机制,国家重点研发计划子课题,2022.11.01-2025.12.31,35万;

5. 鄂尔多斯沿黄灌区农业污染时空变异规律与农田生态系统健康评价,鄂尔多斯市科技计划“揭榜挂帅”项目,2022.03-2025.12,90万;

6. 新优耐盐碱植物品种适应性筛选与盐碱地生物治理技术研究,盟市科技计划创新引导重大专项,2022.01-2023.12,15.66万;

7. 基于合成微生物组的退化荒漠草原修复技术研发与应用,内蒙古自治区科技计划,2021.01-2023.12,80万;

8. 不同土壤磷铵转化过程调控的根际效应机制,国家自然科学基金,2020.01-2023.12,39万;

9. 内蒙古自治区大气氮沉降时空分布、成分特征及源解析,内蒙古自治区自然科学基金重大项目,2019.01-2021.12,60万;

10. 第十二批草原英才科研项目,草原英才高层次人才计划,2023,200万;

11. 第十批草原英才科研项目,草原英才高层次人才计划,2020,10万;

12. 2019自治区引进人才支持计划,内蒙古人事厅,2019.01-2021.12,10万;

13. 自治区教育科学研究“十三五”规划课题,内蒙古教育厅,2019.09-2020.10,1万;

14. 典型矿区影响区土壤重金属污染物的来源解析及时空演变,内蒙古重大科技计划子课题,2019.01-2022.12,65万;

15. 典型土壤-作物系统磷活化与吸收的根际过程与调控机制,国家重点研发项目课题,2017.07-2020.12,639万;

16. 根-土互作提高磷肥利用率的调控原理,科技部重点研发项目973计划子课题,2015.01-2017.08,60万;

17. 华北平原冬小麦/春玉米/夏玉米间套作体系作物磷高效利用的根际调控机制,国家自然科学基金,2013.01-2015.12,23万

五、发表论文(2020- )

1. Gao H, Huang Z, Chen W, Xing A, Zhang S, Wan W, Hu H, Li H*. 2024. Mild to moderate drought stress reinforces the role of functional microbiome in promoting growth of a dominant forage species (Neopallasia pectinata) in desert steppe. Frontiers in Microbiology 15:1371208.

2. Zhang W, Zhao Z, He D, Liu J, Li H*, Wang E*. 2024. Combining field data and modeling to better understand maize growth response to phosphorus (P) fertilizer application and soil P dynamics in calcareous soils. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 23(3): 1006–1021.

3. Zhang T, Wan W, Sun Z, Li H*. 2024. Phosphorus uptake and rhizosphere properties of alfalfa in response to phosphorus fertilizer types in sandy soil and saline-alkali soil. Frontiers in Plant Science 15: 1377626.

4. Wang Y, Wang Z, Wu L, Li H, Li J, Zhu A, Jin Y, Han G*. 2024. Effects of grazing and climate change on aboveground standing biomass and sheep live weight changes in the desert steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Agricultural Systems 217: 103916.

5. Xu Z, Yin M, Yang X, Yang Y, Xu X, Li H, Hong M, Qiu G, Feng X, Tang W, Yin H*. 2024. Simulation of vertical migration behaviors of heavy metals in polluted soils from arid regions in northern China under extreme weather. 919: 170494.

6. Bao W, Wan W, Sun Z, Hong M*, Li H*. 2024. Spatial distribution and migration of heavy metals in dry and windy area polluted by their production in the North China. Processes 12: 160.

7. Yu W, Li H*, Nkebiwe P M, Yang X, Guo D, Li C, Zhu Y, Xiao J, Li G, Sun Z, Müller T, Shen J. 2023. Combining rhizosphere and soil-based P management decreased the P fertilizer demand of China by more than half based on LePA model simulations. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 22(8): 2509-2520.

8. Wan W, Liu Q, Zhang C, Li K, Sun Z, Li Y, Li H*. 2023. Alfalfa growth and nitrogen fixation constraints in salt-affected soils are in part offset by increased nitrogen supply. Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 1126017.

9. Zhao Y, Liu S, Li F, Sun M, Liang Z, Sun Z, Yu F, Li H*. 2023. The low ferric chelate reductase activity and high apoplastic pH in leaves cause iron deficiency chlorosis in ‘Huangguan’pears grafted onto quince A grown in calcareous soil. Scientia Horticulturae 310: 111754.

10. Zhao Y, Chen Y, Liu S*, Li F, Sun M, Liang Z, Sun Z, Yu F, Rengel Z, Li H*. 2023. Bicarbonate rather than high pH in growth medium induced Fe-deficiency chlorosis in dwarfing rootstock quince A (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) but did not impair Fe nutrition of vigorous rootstock Pyrus betulifolia. Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 1237327.

11. Wang Y, Wang Z, Li H*, Shen T, Zhang X, Li J, Han G*. 2023. Grazing decreased soil organic carbon by decreasing aboveground biomass in a desert steppe in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Environmental Management 347: 119112.

12. Zhang F, Zhang J, Bennett J, Zhang B, Wang Z, Li Z, Li H, Wang J, Han G, Zhao M*. 2023. The legacy effects of grazing and precipitation variability on grassland productivity in a temperate steppe. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 343: 109788.

13. Zhao K, Gao H, Sun Z, Zhang J, Li H*. 2023. Growth of Stipa breviflora does not respond to nitrogen addition because of its conservative nitrogen utilization. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1106089.

14. Zhang F, Bennett JA, Zhang B, Wang Z, Li Z, Li H, Wang J, Han G*, Zhao M*. 2023. Cessation of grazing stabilizes productivity through effects on species asynchrony and stability of shrub/semi-shrub plants in arid grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 348: 108411.

15. Li C, Stomph T J, Makowski D, Li H, Zhang C, Zhang F*, van der Werf W*. 2023. The productive performance of intercropping. PNAS 120 (2): e2201886120.

16. Wan W, Li Y*, Li H*. 2022. Yield and quality of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in response to fertilizer application in China: A meta-analysis. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 1051725.

17. Zhang W, Li H*, Zhang J, Shen J, Brown H, Wang E. 2022. Contrasting patterns of accumulation, partitioning, and remobilization of biomass and phosphorus in a maize cultivar. Crop Journal 10 (1): 254-261.

18. Wen Z, Wang R, Li Q, Liu J, Ma X, Wen X, Tang A, Collett Jr JL, Li H, Liu X*. 2022. Spatiotemporal variations of nitrogen and phosphorus deposition across China. Science of the Total Environment 830: 154740.

19. Zhang C, Gao H, Wan W, Li H*. 2022. Yield and quality improvements in Leymus chinensis following fertiliser application in China: a meta-analysis. Crop & Pasture Science 73: 704-715.

20. Zhang S, Wang W, Liu Y, Li H, Feng X, Tan W, Hong M, Liu F, Yin H*. 2022. Mechanisms of efficient As (III) and As (V) removal by Ni-coprecipitated hausmannite nanocomposites. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10: 107684.

21. Liu Q, Chen W, Gao H, Sun Z, Wang Y, Li H*. 2022 Nutrient budgets drive the changes in shoot N and P concentrations of plants in Inner Mongolia's grasslands over the past 40 years. Science of the Total Environment 838: 156374.

22. Wu X, Li H, Rengel Z, Whalley WR, Li H, Zhang F, Shen J, Jin K. 2022. Localized nutrient supply can facilitate root proliferation and increase nitrogen-use efficiency in compacted soil. Soil and Tillage Research 215: 105-198.

23. Li H *, Feng G, George T S. 2022. Better management of phosphorus fertilizer in intensive cropping systems: An approach based on integrated agronomic, ecological and environmental compromise. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10: 1035816.

24. Jing J, Gao W, Cheng L, Wang X, Duan F, Yuan L, Rengel Z, Zhang F, Li H, Cahill Jr J F, Shen J*. 2022. Harnessing root-foraging capacity to improve nutrient-use efficiency for sustainable maize production. Field Crops Research 279: 108462.

25. Li C, Kuyper TW, Van Der Werf W, Zhang J, Li H*, Zhang F, Hoflland E. 2022. A conceptual framework and an empirical test of complementarity and facilitation with respect to P uptake by species mixtures. Pedosphere 32 (2): 317-329.

26. Wang Y, Wang Z, Li H, Sun H, Shen T, Song X, Wang Z, Han G*. 2022. Simulated precipitation change drives plant diversity and biomass change in the desert steppe. Plant Ecology & Diversity 15: 127-136.

27. Li C, Li H*, Hoffland E, Zhang F, Zhang J*, Kuyper TW. 2022. Common mycorrhizal networks asymmetrically improve chickpea N and P acquisition and cause overyielding by a millet/chickpea mixture. Plant and Soil 472: 279–293.

28. Qiao X, Bei S, Wang G, Li C, Li H, Zhang J*, F Zhang. 2022. Soil biota is decisive for overyielding in intercropping under low phosphorus conditions. Journal of Applied Ecology 59: 1804-1814.

29. Hui F, Xie Z, Li H, Guo Y, Li B, Liu Y, Ma Y. 2022. Image-based root phenotyping for field-grown crops: An example under maize/soybean intercropping. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 21(6): 1606-1619.

30. Zhao R, Li X, Bei S, Li D, Li H, Christie P, Bender SF, Zhang J. 2021. Enrichment of nosZ‐type denitrifiers by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi mitigates N2O emissions from soybean stubbles. Environmental Microbiology 23 (11): 6587-6602.

31. Zhang S, Li H, Wu Z, Post JE, Lanson B, Elzinga EJ, Liu Y, Li H, Hong M, Liu F, Yin H. 2021. Effects of Co doping on the structure and physicochemical properties of hausmannite (Mn3O4) and its transformation during aging. Chemical Geology 582: 120448.

32. Yu W, Li H*, Nkebiwe PM, Li G, Müller T, Zhang J, Shen J. 2021.Estimation of the P fertilizer demand of China using the LePA model. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9:759984.

33. Lang M, Li X, Zheng C, Li H, Zhang J. 2021. Shading mediates the response of mycorrhizal maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings under varying levels of phosphorus. Applied Soil Ecology 166: 104060.

34. Li C, Hoffland E, van der Werf W, Zhang J, Li H*, Sun J, Zhang F, Kuper TW. 2021. Complementarity and facilitation with respect to P acquisition do not drive overyielding by intercropping. Field Crops Research 265: 108127.

35. ZhaoY, Li H, Sun M, Liang Z, Yu F, Li F, Liu S. 2021.Effects of soil aeration and fertilization practices on alleviating iron deficiency chlorosis in “Huangguan” pears grafted onto Quince A in calcareous Soils. Horticulturae 7: 172.

36. Ma X, Li H*, Zhang J, Shen J. 2021. Spatiotemporal pattern of acid phosphatase activity in soils cultivated with maize sensing to phosphorus-rich patches. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 590.

37. Wang G, Bei S, Li J, Bao X, Zhang J, Schultz PA, Li H, Li L, Zhang F, Bever JD, Zhang J. 2021. Soil microbial legacy drives crop diversity advantage: Linking ecological plant–soil feedback with agricultural intercropping. Journal of Applied Ecology 58: 496-506.

38. Yu W, Li G, Hartmann TE, Li H*, Zhang J, Shen J. 2021. Development of a novel model of soil legacy P assessment for calcareous and acidic soils. Frontiers in Environmental Science 8: 621833.

39. Jin K, Li H, Li X, Li H, Dodd IC, Belimov AA, Davies WJ, Shen J. 2021. Rhizosphere bacteria containing ACC deaminase decrease root ethylene emission and improve maize root growth with localized nutrient supply. Food and Energy Security e278.

40. Sun D#, Li H#, Wang E#, He W, Hao W, Yan C, Y Li, Mei X, Zhang Y, Sun Z et al. 2020. An overview of the use of plastic-film mulching in China to increase crop yield and water-use efficiency. National Science Review 7 (10): 1523-1526.

41. Zhao Y, Sun M, Liang Z, Li H, Yu F, Liu S. Analysis of contrast iron chlorosis tolerance in the pear cv.‘Huangguan’grafted onto pyrus betulifolia and quince A grown in calcareous soils. Scientia Horticulturae 271: 109488.

42. Li C, Hoffland E, Kuyper TW, Yu Y, Zhang C, Li H, Zhang F, van der Werf W. 2020. Syndromes of production in intercropping impact yield gains. Nature Plants 6 (6), 653-660.

43. Liao D, Zhang C, Li H, Lambers H, Zhang F. 2020. Changes in soil phosphorus fractions following sole cropped and intercropped maize and faba bean grown on calcareous soil. Plant and Soil 448: 587-601.

44. Li C, Hoffland E, Kuyper TW, Yu Y, Li H, Zhang C, Zhang F, van der Werf W. 2020. Yield gain, complementarity and competitive dominance in intercropping in China: A meta-analysis of drivers of yield gain using additive partitioning. European Journal of Agronomy 113: 125987.

45. Wang L, Hou B, Zhang D, Lyu Y, Zhang K, Li H, Rengel Z, Shen J. 2020. The niche complementarity driven by rhizosphere interactions enhances phosphorus‐use efficiency in maize/alfalfa mixture. Food and Energy Security e252.

46. Yu X, Li H, Doluschitz R. 2020. Towards Sustainable Management of Mineral Fertilizers in China: An Integrative Analysis and Review. Sustainability 12 (17): 7028.

47. Dong R, Miao Y, Wang X, Chen Z, Yuan F, Zhang W, Li H. 2020. Estimating plant nitrogen concentration of maize using a leaf fluorescence sensor across growth stages. Remote Sensing 12 (7): 1139.

48. 王悦骅, 李海港*, 朱爱民, 赵坤, 康慧, 沈婷婷, 王忠武, 韩国栋*.2023. 载畜率和氮素添加对短花针茅荒漠草原植物多样性的影响. 中国草地学报 45(7): 144-150.

49. 戴杰, 刘亚林, 李春杰*, 李海港.2023. 低磷条件下玉米‖蚕豆间作作物根系间距对玉米磷吸收的影响.中国农业大学学报 28(06): 88-97.

50. 秦泽峰, 谢沐希, 张运龙, 李侠, 李海港, 张俊伶*. 2023. 丛枝菌根真菌介导的土壤有机碳稳定机制研究进展. 植物营养与肥料学报29(4): 756–766.

51. 张轲, 许学慧*, 李海港. 2022. 北京市与呼和浩特市空气质量对比分析. 环境工程技术学报12(4): 985-991.

52. 朱毅, 武倩, 任海燕, 李海港, 韩国栋*. 2022. 草原生态系统稳定性对升温和氮沉降的响应研究进展. 内蒙古农业大学学报(自然科学版)43(5): 86-92.

53. 张彩虹, 高卉, 万伟帆, 李海港*. 2022. 紫花苜蓿品质提升途径及研究展望. 草原与草业 34(2): 7-14.

54. 薛华龙, 娄梦玉, 李雪, 王飞, 郭彬彬, 郭大勇, 李海港, 焦念元. 2021. 施磷水平对不同茬口下冬小麦生长发育及产量的影响. 中国农业科学 54(17): 3712-3725.

55. 李侠, 叶诚诚, 张俊伶, 李海港, 王幼珊. 2021. 丛枝菌根真菌侵染指标与植物促生效应相关性分析. 中国农业大学学报 26(10): 41-53.

56. 王利阳, 李海港, 申建波. 2021. 华北地区集约化玉米体系减磷增效的根际调控原理与技术规程. 磷肥与复肥 36(2): 8-10.

57. 李海港, 陈杨, 红梅. 2021. 虚拟仿真在“土壤学”实践教学中的应用. 教育教学论坛 8:132-136.


1. 基于延时摄影技术定量分析根系植物生长特征的方法(ZL20191122646.3)排名第3;

2. 《根际土培养装置》(ZL 2018 21935458.6)排名第2。


1. 《Our Phosphorus Future》,UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology,2022.01;

2. 《养分资源高效利用机理与途径》,科学出版社,2018.11;

3. 《高产高效养分管理技术创新与应用》,中国农业大学出版社,2017.05。


1. 2023年获内蒙古自治区科学技术进步奖 二等奖;

2. 内蒙古自治区新时代专业技术人才 二层次;

3. 2023年获第十二批“草原英才”工程青年领军人才称号;

4. 2020年获第十批“草原英才”高层次人才称号。


1. 中国植物营养与肥料学会 理事;

2. 内蒙古土壤肥料学会 副理事长;

3. 中国土壤学会碳中和与全球变化工作组 委员;

4. 中国植物营养与肥料学会根际营养专业委员会 委员;

5. 中国植物营养与肥料学会国际合作工作委员会 委员;

6. 中国植物营养与肥料学会教育工作委员会 委员;

7. 中国植物营养与肥料学会学术工作委员会 委员;

8. 中国自然资源学会农业资源利用委员会委员



邮 箱:haigangli@imau.edu.cn

电 话:0471-3985242



内蒙古农业大学资源与环境学院 版权所有 

